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جمعية سكان ديكمان
نحن رواد الإسكان العام نمثل أكبر هيئة إسكان عامة (PHA) في أمريكا الشمالية ، NYCHA. يقيم أكثر من 400000 من سكان نيويورك في 328 مشروعًا سكنيًا عامًا تابعًا لمدينة نيويورك عبر أحياء المدينة الخمسة. يتلقى 235000 آخر مساعدة إيجار مدعومة في منازل خاصة من خلال برنامج الإسكان المستأجر القسم 8 الذي تديره NYCHA. يتمثل دورنا كقادة في المجالس السكنية في تحسين نوعية الحياة ورضا السكان ، والمشاركة في مبادرات المساعدة الذاتية التي تمكن السكان من خلق بيئة معيشية إيجابية لعائلاتهم التي تعيش في مساكن عامة.
Dyckman Basketball
Dyckman Youth Enterprises is a registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization.
Our Mission is Building life skills through athletic experiences.
We are dedicated to uplifting youth through education, athletic and cultural activities. Dyckman Youth Enterprises serves more than 500 youth and 300 young adults year-round in the New York Metropolitan area through our various programs.
Our Mission is Building life skills through athletic experiences.
We are dedicated to uplifting youth through education, athletic and cultural activities. Dyckman Youth Enterprises serves more than 500 youth and 300 young adults year-round in the New York Metropolitan area through our various programs.
Think Watts Foundation
THINKWATTS FOUNDATION is a 501c3 organization founded by Brandon “Stix”; Salaam-Bailey, with a primary focus on community grassroots activations along with developing financial literacy programs, custom container housing solutions, and charitable fundraising through entertainment industry efforts. Born and raised in Watts, California, Stix has worked his way to become a rapper, record producer, songwriter, and entrepreneur over the last 16 years. However, his involvement with music is a jumping off point to his advocacy to giving back to his community through his THINK WATTS Foundation. As a staple in the community, Stix has formed deep rooted community relationships building bridges from the community to some of its professional residents such as LAFC, LA Clippers, and the LA Rams.
Design + Build, By Women for Women in Cannabis . Minority Women Owned Business Enterprise ( MWBE )
Bringing free high-speed internet to connect those who need it.
T-Mobile (Dyckman St. Location)
T-Mobile Store located at 174 Dyckman St. New York, NY 10034 Stop By Today!
شركة لينك لمحو الأمية
تعمل شركة Literacy Inc. يومًا بعد يوم في جميع أنحاء الأحياء الخمس لمدينة نيويورك ، لتوفير فرص القراءة والتعلم للأطفال حتى يصبحوا قراء أكفاء ، ومستعدين للنجاح في المدرسة وفي الحياة.
Social Eyes Optical
Our goal at Socialeyes optical is to always provide customers with the best care, education, competitive pricing and overall superb experience. Our highly qualified doctors are ready to tend to any vision related need/complaint, by offering diagnostics and treatment as well as referrals to appropriate specialists. We offer same day eyeglasses prescription, contact lenses fit, DMV vision test, eye exam as well as many other services. Please make an appointment or simply stop by to check out our large selection of trendy designer eye wear including Ray-Ban, Gucci, Dita and many private, none billboards sunglasses and eyeglasses brands
GDS Growth and Development Services Inc.
لأكثر من 23 عامًا ، ساعدت شركة Growth and Development Services، Inc. (GDS) شباب المدن الداخلية في مانهاتن العليا على التغلب على الصعاب وخلق مستقبل مشرق ومكتفي ذاتيًا. من خلال برامج ما بعد المدرسة والصيف عالية الجودة ، وخدمات المشورة ، وبرامج التدريب للطموحين في مجال الصحة العقلية والعاملين في مجال الشباب ، والدعوة المجتمعية ، قمنا بتسوية الملعب لأكثر من ألف شاب محروم من الخدمات ، وتزويدهم بالمهارات والدعم والثقة والتحفيز الذي يحتاجون إليه للنجاح في المدرسة ومجتمعاتهم والقوى العاملة.
منطقة شرطة نيويورك الرابعة والثلاثين
يخدم الحي الرابع والثلاثون مجتمعات واشنطن هايتس وإنوود ، شمال غرب شارع 179. تغطي المنطقة ميلين مربعين ، مع 500 فدان من الحدائق ، بما في ذلك Inwood Hill Park و Fort Tyron Park.
معمل رياضي مبدع
يعتبر Sports Lab بمثابة منصة إثراء من خلال تطوير الفطنة الرياضية والأكاديمية والمبتكرة والمدنية لدى الشباب ذوي الإمكانات العالية من أجل تحقيق التميز الشخصي والمساعدة في تقوية المجتمعات. هدفنا هو تزويد كل طفل بالموارد والفرص لاحتضان عقلية النمو واكتشاف قدراتهم الطبيعية والتطور بشكل كلي من خلال الرياضة والأداء. نريد أن نضمن حصول المشاركين لدينا على الأدوات التي يحتاجونها لتحقيق النجاح ، وغرس شغفهم بالقيادة والخدمة ، وتنمية المهارات ليكونوا قادرين على التفوق في أي رياضة أو مجال يختارونه.
شركة Bronx Family Network Inc.
تأسست Bronx Family Network Inc. في عام 2018 من قبل مجموعة من الأفراد الذين لديهم شغف مشترك لمساعدة المحتاجين والمعسرين. من بين هؤلاء الأفراد أشخاص لديهم سنوات من الخبرة في العمل مع ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ، إدارة خدمات المشردين في مدينة نيويورك لمساعدة المشردين ؛ فضلا عن المشاركة في الأنشطة الخيرية الأخرى. يتمتع موظفونا بعلاقات عميقة مع المجتمعات المتنوعة ويلتزمون بتقديم الدعم والإغاثة لمن هم في أمس الحاجة إليه. شركة Bronx Family Network Inc. تابعة لـ 731 Southern Boulevard Family Residency و Infinity Family Residency ، وهي ملاجئ في المجتمع توفر سكنًا مؤقتًا للفقراء.
منظمة الصحة العالمية؟ البس، ارتداء
الأعمال المملوكة لواشنطن هايتس تصنع قمصان تصميم فريدة للجميع. نقدم لك ملابس عالية الجودة.
Children's Arts & Science Workshop
The Children’s Arts & Science
Workshops, Inc. (CASW) is a 501(c)(3)
organization created to engage at-risk
youth in a range of age-appropriate
programs and activities that will increase
their self-esteem and confidence, and
prepare them to participate fully as
productive members of society.
Workshops, Inc. (CASW) is a 501(c)(3)
organization created to engage at-risk
youth in a range of age-appropriate
programs and activities that will increase
their self-esteem and confidence, and
prepare them to participate fully as
productive members of society.
Keepusecure LLC
A Security Surveillance Company that specializes in everything that deals with security.
Oak St. Health
Founded in 2012, Oak Street Health, now part of CVS Health, specializes in helping older adults stay healthy and live life more fully. Our innovative care model goes beyond typical primary care to provide patients with comprehensive preventive care, including personalized wellness plans, integrated health services, and educational and social activities to support overall health and well-being.
Human Care
Founded in 2011, HumanCare is a leading home health care provider located in Brooklyn, New York. Our company boasts over 5,000 experienced employees ready to offer qualified assistance and support in your home.
Our services cover a broad spectrum of needs, from caring for the elderly and adults to supporting children and adolescents, ensuring that each client receives the personalized approach and care they deserve. In our work, we combine modern methodologies with traditional values to ensure comfort and independence for our clients in their own homes.
We take pride in providing affordable and quality home care services that help strengthen family bonds and support a healthy lifestyle. At HumanCare, we believe that everyone deserves respect, attention, and the highest level of care, and we are ready to be there when you can't be.
Our services cover a broad spectrum of needs, from caring for the elderly and adults to supporting children and adolescents, ensuring that each client receives the personalized approach and care they deserve. In our work, we combine modern methodologies with traditional values to ensure comfort and independence for our clients in their own homes.
We take pride in providing affordable and quality home care services that help strengthen family bonds and support a healthy lifestyle. At HumanCare, we believe that everyone deserves respect, attention, and the highest level of care, and we are ready to be there when you can't be.
A brand that supports Arts 🎭 and the cannabis culture 🌿and Hard work and community Its A Movement Not A Moment God first 🙏
Nanny's Kitchen & Catering
We create an atmosphere where we teach, and learn from each other. when we become better listeners we become better speakers of life's experiences, and our vision of a world where old school values meets the new attitude era comes to life. When we have Sunday dinner, talk and learn from each other, we truly are healing our communities “One Plate At A Time” A place where we come together to cook, eat, and share our passion, compassion, and love of good food, and community values.
The program builds transferable knowledge, skills which can be used to build relationships that empower young people to contribute to their future, and the communities they Live, Work, and Play in.
The program builds transferable knowledge, skills which can be used to build relationships that empower young people to contribute to their future, and the communities they Live, Work, and Play in.
Borough Community Action Network Inc
BCAN offers unique experiences for Youths, adults and seniors 60 +, by providing Senior Services, Food Security and Youth Development programs.
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