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Somos Líderes de Habitação Pública que representam a maior autoridade de habitação pública (PHA) na América do Norte, NYCHA. Mais de 400.000 nova-iorquinos residem nos 328 conjuntos habitacionais públicos da NYCHA nos cinco distritos da cidade. Outros 235.000 recebem assistência para aluguel subsidiado em casas particulares por meio do Programa de Habitação da Seção 8, administrado pela NYCHA. Nosso papel como líderes do conselho de residentes é melhorar a qualidade de vida e a satisfação dos residentes, participar de iniciativas de autoajuda que permitam aos residentes criar um ambiente de vida positivo para suas famílias que vivem em habitações públicas.

Dyckman Basketball
Dyckman Youth Enterprises is a registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization.
Our Mission is Building life skills through athletic experiences.
We are dedicated to uplifting youth through education, athletic and cultural activities. Dyckman Youth Enterprises serves more than 500 youth and 300 young adults year-round in the New York Metropolitan area through our various programs.
Our Mission is Building life skills through athletic experiences.
We are dedicated to uplifting youth through education, athletic and cultural activities. Dyckman Youth Enterprises serves more than 500 youth and 300 young adults year-round in the New York Metropolitan area through our various programs.

Think Watts Foundation
THINKWATTS FOUNDATION is a 501c3 organization founded by Brandon “Stix”; Salaam-Bailey, with a primary focus on community grassroots activations along with developing financial literacy programs, custom container housing solutions, and charitable fundraising through entertainment industry efforts. Born and raised in Watts, California, Stix has worked his way to become a rapper, record producer, songwriter, and entrepreneur over the last 16 years. However, his involvement with music is a jumping off point to his advocacy to giving back to his community through his THINK WATTS Foundation. As a staple in the community, Stix has formed deep rooted community relationships building bridges from the community to some of its professional residents such as LAFC, LA Clippers, and the LA Rams.

Design + Build, By Women for Women in Cannabis . Minority Women Owned Business Enterprise ( MWBE )

Bringing free high-speed internet to connect those who need it.

T-Mobile (Dyckman St. Location)
T-Mobile Store located at 174 Dyckman St. New York, NY 10034 Stop By Today!

Linc Literacy Inc.
A Literacy Inc. trabalha dia após dia nos cinco distritos da cidade de Nova York, para fornecer oportunidades de leitura e aprendizagem para as crianças, para que se tornem leitores competentes, prontos para o sucesso na escola e na vida.

Social Eyes Optical
Our goal at Socialeyes optical is to always provide customers with the best care, education, competitive pricing and overall superb experience. Our highly qualified doctors are ready to tend to any vision related need/complaint, by offering diagnostics and treatment as well as referrals to appropriate specialists. We offer same day eyeglasses prescription, contact lenses fit, DMV vision test, eye exam as well as many other services. Please make an appointment or simply stop by to check out our large selection of trendy designer eye wear including Ray-Ban, Gucci, Dita and many private, none billboards sunglasses and eyeglasses brands

GDS Growth and Development Services Inc.
Por mais de 23 anos, a Growth and Development Services, Inc. (GDS) tem ajudado jovens do centro da cidade em Upper Manhattan a vencer as adversidades e criar um futuro brilhante e autossuficiente. Por meio de nossos programas pós-escola e de verão de qualidade, serviços de aconselhamento, programas de treinamento para aspirantes à saúde mental e trabalhadores jovens e defesa da comunidade, nivelamos o campo de jogo para mais de mil jovens carentes, fornecendo-lhes habilidades e apoio , confiança e motivação de que precisam para ter sucesso na escola, em suas comunidades e na força de trabalho.

NYPD 34th Delegacia
O 34º Distrito atende as comunidades de Washington Heights e Inwood, ao norte da West 179th Street. O distrito cobre duas milhas quadradas, com 500 acres de parque, incluindo Inwood Hill Park e Fort Tyron Park.

O Sports Lab serve como uma plataforma de enriquecimento por meio do desenvolvimento de perspicácia atlética, acadêmica, inovadora e cívica em jovens de alto potencial, a fim de alcançar a excelência pessoal e ajudar a fortalecer as comunidades. Nosso objetivo é fornecer a cada criança recursos e oportunidades para adotar uma mentalidade construtiva, descobrir suas habilidades naturais e desenvolver-se holisticamente por meio de esportes e desempenho. Queremos garantir que nossos participantes tenham as ferramentas de que precisam para ter sucesso, para incutir neles a paixão pela liderança e serviço e para desenvolver as habilidades para serem capazes de se destacar em qualquer esporte ou campo que escolherem.

Bronx Family Network Inc.
A Bronx Family Network Inc. foi fundada em 2018 por um grupo de indivíduos com uma paixão compartilhada por ajudar os necessitados e desafortunados. Entre esses indivíduos estão pessoas com anos de experiência trabalhando com, mas não se limitando a, o Departamento de Serviços de Sem-teto de Nova York ajudando os sem-teto; bem como um envolvimento com outras atividades de caridade. Nossa equipe tem relacionamentos profundos com diversas comunidades e está empenhada em fornecer suporte e alívio para aqueles que mais precisam. A Bronx Family Network Inc. é afiliada ao 731 Southern Boulevard Family Residency e ao Infinity Family Residency, abrigos na comunidade que fornecem moradia temporária para os menos afortunados.

Washington Heights Owned Business criando camisas de design exclusivo para todos. Trazendo a você roupas de qualidade premium.

Children's Arts & Science Workshop
The Children’s Arts & Science
Workshops, Inc. (CASW) is a 501(c)(3)
organization created to engage at-risk
youth in a range of age-appropriate
programs and activities that will increase
their self-esteem and confidence, and
prepare them to participate fully as
productive members of society.
Workshops, Inc. (CASW) is a 501(c)(3)
organization created to engage at-risk
youth in a range of age-appropriate
programs and activities that will increase
their self-esteem and confidence, and
prepare them to participate fully as
productive members of society.

Keepusecure LLC
A Security Surveillance Company that specializes in everything that deals with security.

Oak St. Health
Founded in 2012, Oak Street Health, now part of CVS Health, specializes in helping older adults stay healthy and live life more fully. Our innovative care model goes beyond typical primary care to provide patients with comprehensive preventive care, including personalized wellness plans, integrated health services, and educational and social activities to support overall health and well-being.

Human Care
Founded in 2011, HumanCare is a leading home health care provider located in Brooklyn, New York. Our company boasts over 5,000 experienced employees ready to offer qualified assistance and support in your home.
Our services cover a broad spectrum of needs, from caring for the elderly and adults to supporting children and adolescents, ensuring that each client receives the personalized approach and care they deserve. In our work, we combine modern methodologies with traditional values to ensure comfort and independence for our clients in their own homes.
We take pride in providing affordable and quality home care services that help strengthen family bonds and support a healthy lifestyle. At HumanCare, we believe that everyone deserves respect, attention, and the highest level of care, and we are ready to be there when you can't be.
Our services cover a broad spectrum of needs, from caring for the elderly and adults to supporting children and adolescents, ensuring that each client receives the personalized approach and care they deserve. In our work, we combine modern methodologies with traditional values to ensure comfort and independence for our clients in their own homes.
We take pride in providing affordable and quality home care services that help strengthen family bonds and support a healthy lifestyle. At HumanCare, we believe that everyone deserves respect, attention, and the highest level of care, and we are ready to be there when you can't be.

A brand that supports Arts 🎭 and the cannabis culture 🌿and Hard work and community Its A Movement Not A Moment God first 🙏

Nanny's Kitchen & Catering
We create an atmosphere where we teach, and learn from each other. when we become better listeners we become better speakers of life's experiences, and our vision of a world where old school values meets the new attitude era comes to life. When we have Sunday dinner, talk and learn from each other, we truly are healing our communities “One Plate At A Time” A place where we come together to cook, eat, and share our passion, compassion, and love of good food, and community values.
The program builds transferable knowledge, skills which can be used to build relationships that empower young people to contribute to their future, and the communities they Live, Work, and Play in.
The program builds transferable knowledge, skills which can be used to build relationships that empower young people to contribute to their future, and the communities they Live, Work, and Play in.

Borough Community Action Network Inc
BCAN offers unique experiences for Youths, adults and seniors 60 +, by providing Senior Services, Food Security and Youth Development programs.
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